In the Senior School there are three Houses, Laud, Serlo and Wheeler. Each pupil (and teacher) is assigned to one of these Houses when they arrive in the Senior School.
Each year the Houses compete for the House Trophy. A number of factors contribute towards the destination of the cup. Academic progress and tidiness of uniform count in each term while the following competitions take place during the school year.
Michaelmas Term | Lent Term | Trinity Term |
Drama | Music | Athletics |
Debating | Swimming Gala | Girls Rounders |
Girls Hockey | Girls Netball | Boys Cricket |
Boys Rugby | Boys Hockey |
Cross Country |
All events are held annually and see the three houses compete against each other for a prestigious cup. The events are completely run by Sixth Formers and pupils. Teamwork, leadership and co-operation unite the pupils in these competitions.
A selection of photos from the House Music competition:

All the action from this year's House Athletics Competition can be seen here: