An exciting time to be a Chorister

An exciting time to be a Chorister
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After 500 years of boy choristers, in 2016 girls from around Gloucestershire were auditioned to become Choristers and now that the Cathedral have girls onboard they are starting to equalise the time they spend singing.  In the latest development, they are receiving equal scholarships which will allow them to reach their full potential immersed in such beautiful music.

The choirs sing pieces in Latin, German, Old English, French, Brazilian-Portuguese and the list goes on, also enhancing their studies in the languages taught at this school. The Conductor of the boy choristers (Adrian Partington) said

“Times have now changed, and so now it has become essential for the girls to have these scholarships”.

The conductor of the girl choristers (Nia Llewelyn Jones) said

“The Girl Choristers have grown from strength to strength since their very special inaugural evensong in November 2016. Total parity between boy and girl choristers is an historic step, ensuring that girls will now be afforded the very same opportunities that boys have enjoyed for hundreds of years. We will strive to ensure that talented girls and boys from a wide range of backgrounds can continue to enjoy and reap the rewards of unique life of a cathedral chorister and the associated scholarship at King’s.”.

After a year of hard work the Choristers are going to Spain in December 2020.

Written by two Second Form pupils and King's Choristers, Emma and Jack 

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An exciting time to be a Chorister