Lent Eurcharist Donations

Lent Eurcharist Donations
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At the end of February, we started the season of Lent with our usual Ash Wednesday Eucharist; thinking about how we could use the 40 days to good effect, learning self-discipline and being a blessing to others.

On this theme of blessing, our annual collection, amounting to 254.25kg of food and toiletries, was very gratefully received by the Gloucester Foodbank. The generosity of King's pupils and staff is always much appreciated, and no more so than at this very difficult time for all those who are vulnerable.

In addition to the food donated, Junior and Senior School had a simple lunch and our Caterers, Thomas Franks, gave the money which they had saved from not cooking the usual meals to the Foodbank - this amounted to an incredible £500.

Thank you to all those who supported our charitable giving this year, and may we all continue to look out for those in need in the coming months. 


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Lent Eurcharist Donations