Holi Day Celebrations

Holi Day Celebrations
Junior School Enrichment

On Wednesday 16th March, Junior School held a Holi celebration day. Holi is a Hindu festival which is also known as the Festival of Colours! It celebrates the beginning of Spring and good triumphing over evil.

The day began with an assembly to explain why Holi is celebrated and the customs and stories related to it. Akshi and Ariel helped with the presentation but the highlight of the assembly was Abbi, in Year 3, beautifully singing the traditional song' Kurai Ondrum Illai'.



Throughout the day, the children enjoyed activities in celebration of Holi. Bonfires are a big part of Holi celebrations and each class had the opportunity to have a session in Forest School, making popcorn on the Forest School fire. Children in Year 1 and Year 3 also had Indian themed music lessons, where they listened to and learned about Indian music and instruments.

The most colourful part of Holi is throwing coloured powder at each other, which the children thoroughly enjoyed – and some of the teachers too!


Flickr album: Holi Day 2022 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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