Supporting Dornakal

Supporting Dornakal
All International

"It is a part of my life now…" said Mrs Fayter when we asked her about her work towards the school in India. She and the rest of the school have raised on average £1,000 a year to help Dornakal get the funding they need.

We have been sponsoring the Dornakal Diocesan English Medium School (D.D.E.M School) for 13 years and over that time we have raised an incredible amount of money. Helping the less fortunate children at Dornakal to achieve the impossible, we have also enabled them to have a great education and provide them with the necessary equipment.

The D.D.E.M has benefited from our donations in many ways, especially four children in particular which King’s sponsor. Their names are: Narasimha 10, Reethu 13, Afreen 6 and Kumari 9. Throughout their short lifetime each child has been through an extremely tough time and with our contributions it has helped them to overcome their difficulties, carry on with life and look forward to school each day.

King’s pupils enjoy writing letters to the children at Dornakal which not only brings joy to the Dornakal students, but is a way of learning how they live and their celebrations. Many letters were taken over to the school last Christmas and in return we received letters back in which they told us about their day to day life.

Mrs Fayter is always willing to raise money for Dornakal in various exciting ways: weekly cake sales, mufti days and hopefully several trips in months to come. We raised over £800 last Friday at our mufti day and cake sale with many contributions of homemade cakes.

Written by Hattie and Lily, Second Form pupils

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